How it Works
Mamistad forms first-time pregnant and new moms' groups for moms who are due or delivered their first baby within 3-4 months of one another.
Having our 2nd baby? Fill out this form.
In-person groups are currently being formed in the NOVA/DC, Denver CO and Austin, TX areas.
If you're not in these areas don't worry! There is always a community for you online and we'll continue to keep you posted about groups in your area.

Like the prospects?
RSVP for a New Member Zoom Call
to learn about Mamistad & ask any questions you have.
*There is a one-time fee of $65-85 (based on location) to be placed in up to two groups (if there are two available). Fee may be paid in two payments if necessary.
Why It Works
MATRESENCE. . ."the process of becoming a mother... It's a holistic change in multiple domains of your life. You're going to feel it perhaps bodily, psychologically...with your peer your job... in terms of the big philosophical questions....
...When we don't talk about it, the myth of motherhood as this idyllic oasis is perpetuated in our culture...Talking about what's happening with you with other moms is such a pillar of support."​
~Aurélie Athan, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
Columbia University​
Throughout their pregnancy journey, however long it may be, mothers deserve the highest standard of care - emotionally, mentally and physically.
The Truth . . first-time moms are often blindsided by many aspects of new motherhood - it's tough! Despite all their planning, they aren't prepared for the transition to motherhood. Having your first baby is likely one of the most impacting, life-changing and overwhelming things you'll ever do.
​Perinatal mental health disorders like postpartum depression are the #1 complications of childbirth.
1in 5 women will suffer from a perinatal mental health disorder like postpartum depression. thebluedotproject
Having mom friends who relate to your situation before and after childbirth can change EVERYTHING. Believe me, I know.​
MOM CHAT, the Mamistad Podcast was launched on February 14, 2024 to share all the amazing lessons we've learned, stories we've lived and brilliance we've encountered (we work with lots of amazing experts) on our collective motherhood journeys as a Sisterhood of Mamas. Do you have a motherhood story to share?
the journey of pregnancy.​If that journey is cut short for one of our sisters, our collective heart breaks.​ If she is denied proper medical care, her suffering belongs to all of us.
Mama Mindset
Coming soon. . .
MAMISTAD MASTER CLASS - all of the above!