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New Member Zoom Calls & Other Mom Stuff

Hi! If you just submitted your profile to join us, the next step is for you
to RSVP to a New Member Zoom Call below! 

If you haven't yet, please submit your profile to be admitted to a
New Member Zoom Chat.

No fee is required unless you agree to join a group after the New Member Zoom.

The New Member Zoom Chat

*New Member Zoom Chats allow us to get to know each other, and for you to learn more about Mamistad. There'ss a spirit to our sisterhood that can't be conveyed in writing. I want to share it with you in person.

If you can't make a weekend meeting or you are joining Mamistad within 2-3 weeks before or after your due date, can't make it to a scheduled Zoom and would like to join a group ASAP, please email me.


 If you would like to attend as an interested provider, please email me.

New Member Zoom Chat

Upcoming Events

Don't miss the miracles.
Mamistad started as a First-time Pregnant & New Moms Network for families in Northern Virginia, DC, Austin, TX, and Denver, CO.
We are now expanding to other cities and states - join us! 


Editor's Pick
Best Moms Group

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Mamistad is a registered trademark of Mamistad LLC 2019

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