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Susan Howard


Arlington Lactation & Feeding Therapy, your one-stop shop for judgement-free feeding support for your newborn, infant, and toddler.

I'm Susan Howard. Registered Nurse. Lactation Consultant. Feeding Therapist. Bottle-Refusal Expert. Mom. My mission is to help the entire family thrive while meeting their feeding goals. 

I specialize in complex feeding situations at the breast, the bottle, and the table. My expertise includes: 

  • tongue ties

  • feeding difficulties

  • slow weight gain

  • low-milk supply

  • bottle-refusing babies

I offer compassionate, evidence-based feeding guidance from birth to weaning. I'd love to help you with:

  • 1:1 virtual consultations, support groups

  • LIVE virtual classes

  • On-demand classes. 

I offer Mamistad members a discounted rate on my breastfeeding classes.

I also offer a free 60-minute virtual Q&A session about infant feeding to your Mamistad group

Arlington Lactation, LLC

O: 703.651.6466

C: 703.608.0466

Follow me on Facebook Arlington Lactation and Susan Howard IBCLC


Don't miss the miracles.
Mamistad started as a First-time Pregnant & New Moms Network for families in Northern Virginia, DC, Austin, TX, and Denver, CO.
We are now expanding to other cities and states - join us! 


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