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Austin, Texas Recommendations 

Mental Health 

I needed to look in the mirror and say to myself, 'you are not broken, you are whole and complete...'~Susanna Peace Lovell

Offers over 50+ free and virtual support groups for all your postpartum needs. 

Certified professional life coach and advocate dedicated to the health and wellness of special needs families everywhere.


My doula was my rock emotionally, because she felt my heart and listened to me. ~Cynthia 2005

Austin Doula Care

Offering Doula Care and pre/postnatal support. 


Nutrition depletion, is one of the biggest and most detrimental mistakes we can make as a new mother. ~Maranda Bower, Postpartum University

Postpartum University

You're done feeling physically & emotionally depleted. It's time for some real whole-body support.


Breastfeeding is empowering. It’s an accomplishment that takes dedication I didn’t realize I possessed. – Author unknown

Excellent resource for breastfeeding related questions 

Lactation Support with free meetings in the Austin area both virtually and in person 

A specialized breastfeeding support clinic and training center where mothers can receive breastfeeding assistance for free. 

Toll Free Breast Feeding Hotline: 1-800-514-MOMS

Phone Number for an appointment: 512-972-6700

New Born Care 

We're not meant to do this alone...

Offers infant CPR/safety, newborn care, and breastfeeding classes 


Phone Number: 512-791-8749

Labor and delivery care, maternity and newborn care, and postpartum support  

Labor and Delivery Phone Number: 888-868-2104

Maternity and Childbirth Education Classes Phone Number: 512-544-4266


Breastfeeding, infant CPR, newborn care, couples/parenting, and baby-wearing classes. 


Phone Number: 512-351-6919


The only way I can describe fatherhood is at the end of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, you know how his heart grows like five times? Everything is full; it’s just full all the time. ~Matt Damon

A network for men on their journey through fatherhood 

Adam Angel 


Phone Number: 240-459-8408

Don't miss the miracles.
Mamistad started as a First-time Pregnant & New Moms Network for families in Northern Virginia, DC, Austin, TX, and Denver, CO.
We are now expanding to other cities and states - join us! 


Editor's Pick
Best Moms Group

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